The PCC was allot of fun. Mike and Chris even helped out with the war dance. Gene and Christy didn't join us the time because they have already been several times. They were missed!
This was our back yard. Pretty amazing!

Monday at the dinner cruise was when we saw the whales. I wasn't fast enough to get pictures, but it was a great ending to our amazing trip!

We had a great time at Waimaya falls. So beautiful.

Monday at the dinner cruise was when we saw the whales. I wasn't fast enough to get pictures, but it was a great ending to our amazing trip!
We had a great time at Waimaya falls. So beautiful.
When we were driving back to the house, it started to sprinkle, and this awesome rainbow was from one end of the island to the other end. It was amazing!
Pearl Harbor was sad but an honor to see.

Jet skiing was lots of fun! Nobody got hurt, except maybe a few ego's when they flipped the jet ski. Which happened at least once to all of us. Getting back on the jet ski was quite the challenge.

The Paradise Cove Luau was lots of fun!
The Paradise Cove Luau was lots of fun!
Go Mike Go!

Thank you Mike for my cool water proof camera.

Thank you Mike for my cool water proof camera.
Mike and I went to Oahu Hawaii last week with my brother's Chris and Gene and their wives Leah and Christy. We were all celebrating our ten year anniversary's. We've been planning it for over a year, and had an awesome time. We rented a beautiful 3 bedroom house on North shore with the ocean in our back yard. It was amazing. We went snorkling, and saw several dolphins doing flips and jumps like they were performing at sea world. We were still on the boat while they were close by, and by the time we jumped into the water they had swam out further, but we did see several beautiful fish. We did go swimming at the beach a few days lated, and Mike swam within 5 feet of the dolphins until the life guard announce it was illegal to be less then 100 feet from them and had to swim back to shore. We also saw lots of Sea turtle's, and while on our dinner cruise we got to sea 2 whales swim by the boat. Whale season is over, so we got lucky to see those 2. We decided against sharks cove. The name just scared me a little. Okay alot. Something about swimming with sharks didn't appeal to me. We did swim under a water fall in waimaya falls which was awesome. By the end of the week when it was time to climb Diamond Head we were all to tired to attempt it, but drove up as high as we could to check out the views. Maybe next time we'll be in better shape for that. Mike and I went alone to Pearl Harbor. Everyone had seen it before, and said once was enough. It was incredible to see, and a little sad. After touring thruoghthe submarine Mike and I agreed that we would have never survived in the navy. Were both too big. We made it through, and got a newspaper with our picture to prove it. We went to the PCC which was lots of fun. Unfortunately the temple was closed so we just saw it from a distance and never got any pictures. We went to a few Luau's, but the food was pretty much the same at all three. We actually only stayed for one of the after dinner show's. it took us a while to get use to the time change and were in bed by 9pm up at 3am. Our neighbors complained we were too loud too early. Who new we were so wild. I guess I got too excited about the sunrise. Anyway's, we had a great time and want to give all our love to those who made it possible. Aloha and Mahalo! The Keechler's
You got some great pictures Shirley. I'm glad you used your water proof camera. It was so fun to spend time with you guys. We can't wait to do it again. Love you.
Congratulations to all of you. What an amazing way to spend your anniversaries! It looks like you all had a great time.
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