On our way home from Gray Eagle, we stopped in San Diego to drop Tyler off at Scout camp, and I had won tickets on the radio to the Wild Animal Park, so we took Alan and the girls there for the day. The weather was beautiful, a little warm actually, but it wasn't 115* so I wasn't complaining. Alan pooped in his training pants just before we got on the tram around the park. Luckily it blended in with the rest of the animlas and no one complained. He's still struggling with the whole potty training thing. He does pretyy good when it comes to #1 but if it's #2 forget it. We had a good time and didn't have to spend too much money.
Music We Love!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
The Wild Animal Park!
We had a great time at the Wild Animla Park! Lots of exciting things to see, and we bought a cool Panda mug for $10.00 and refilled it about 15 times for free. I'd say we got our money's worth.

Summer Vacation!
We were able to get out of the Desert for a few days and spend time up at Buck's Lake with Mike's dad and step mom. We had lots of fun, and the weather was awesome. 40* at night! Mike and I were loving it, but the kids got a little cold. The days were perfect in the 80*'s and the food was yummy, and free for us. Thanks Ben and Julie!
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