It's been a long couple of month's. Sorry I've been away from the blogging world for so long. As most of you have heard my Dad passed away this month and even though he's been in alot of pain for a long time, it still hurts to see him pass. Having the gospel in my life has sure made it easier to cope with though. Knowing that through the attonement we all will be together some day gives you something to look forward to. He was the last of his 5 siblings to pass away. His oldest brother passed away just a few weeks before my dad did. I can picture them all right now running around together on the farm. He always loved talking about when he was a kid in Ohio and walking through 10 feet of snow to get to school. they would have to build tunnels to walk through. He once saved his little sister's life by pulling her out of the ice once too. He always talked about spending hours in the kitchen with his mom making homemade noodles and pies, and jelly. He loved to cook. He was actually the cook in the family at my house growing up. He really enjoyed it. Everything I know about cooking I owe to him. Unfortunately he never kept a cook book, and I really havn't either. I'll have to work on that before I forget it all. He was really good at just making things up. It always tasted great. He was a great man and will be greatly missed.
Music We Love!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanks Giving!
Mom and Uncle Jeff
The Procopio's - Donovan of course.
There's Donovan, with my little guy. 
My Morgan

Uncle Jeff and Steve.

My Morgan
Uncle Jeff and Steve.
Aunt Dyana getting fed by my cousin Kimberly!
Grandma W. and Alex

Dennis, Uncle Darold, and My hubby
Jennifer, Sheldon, Dyana, and Grandpa W.
The VanBuskirk boys!

Grandpa W., Mike, and Jeff

Amanda and baby Alan!

Dylan, Luke, and Dennis

Tammy, Kimberly, Kallie, Cortney, Grandma W. and Jennifer

Cortney and my Mom

Grandma W. and Alex
Dennis, Uncle Darold, and My hubby
The VanBuskirk boys!
Grandpa W., Mike, and Jeff
Amanda and baby Alan!
Dylan, Luke, and Dennis
Tammy, Kimberly, Kallie, Cortney, Grandma W. and Jennifer
Cortney and my Mom
This month has been so crazy for our family. My dad has been in and out of the hospital several times, and undergone a high risk surgery because of his heart condition. He's off the breathing tube and back in a regular room being awnry as usual My nephew Dylan just got out of Loma Linda yesterday after 2 weeks, having several surgeries and fighting a horrible infection. We were so thankful he was able to come home for Thanksgiving. My brother's wife just had an emergency c-section delivering ( 2 month's early) a 4lb 1oz baby boy at 2am on Thanks giving day. He's in an incubator right now because of his size, but is doing well, and expected to go home in a few weeks His name is Jacob Daniel (J.D. for short). Welcome to the family J.D. Leah is also recovering quickly. They don't give you much of a choice in the hospital, they try to get you up and walking before they finish sewing you up it seems. I know I didn't want to walk around the same day. I've been fasting a lot this month and was so ready for a thanks giving feast. Especially since it wasn't at my house and all I had to do was show up and eat! Okay I brought a few dishes. It was at my sister's mother in laws house. I don't know how she talked her into that one. Their were about 40 people just from our family. And probably another 40 from her family. But there was plenty of food, and even leftover's to take home. Yummy! Thank you Wendal and Theresa for your hospitality it was a blast. Well I need to get some sleep now so I can wake up in a few hours to hit the crazy after thanksgiving sales! Mike and I usually go around midnight and stand in line all night, but he's working tonight, so I'm sleeping in until 3am. It gets a little crazy, but with six kids a little crazy is nothing! We are very Thankful for our friends and family, for the Gospel, for our, health, and so much more! We hope you all had a wonderful and safe Thanks giving. Love, The Keechler's
Friday, November 21, 2008
Grammy's in town!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
October Birthdays!
Amanda just turned 7 and is in the 2nd grade. She is doing well. I'm starting to think she is the only one in her class because she comes home every day telling me her teacher needs more donations for her classroom. she has a big heart and always wants to help out.
Sweet 17! They sure grow up fast. Cortney has her first job as a hostess at Canton Bistro, and has a driver's lisence. I perfer the bike riding better, but she insists on driving the car. She is actually a very caustious driver. At least when I'm in the car. She is a Laurel in young Women's and despite the moans and eye rolling still get's up for seminary every, okay every other morning. She's becoming a very Independent young lady and cannot wait to get out of the house. Home studies isn't working out exactly how we hoped, but were managing. She still wants to be a cosmotologist when she graduates.
Bike riding accomplished!
Alan has a little, okay long ways to go. He had to learn the hard way it's not safe to eat and ride.
Check out Samantha and Amanda's bikes, No Training wheels (finally) Samantha had trust issues' after her first attempt of riding without training wheels ended in a few cuts and bruises, but only a few year's later (LOL) her brother Tyler helped her stir up enough courage to give it another try, and just after 10 minutes she had it down, and now rides all over the neighborhood. Of course Amanda couldn't let her big sister go far without her and made her dad teach her how to ride without training wheels the very next day. It's hard for mom to let them ride past the house, but 50 feet of space just isn't enough for those two adventurist girls, so mom stirred up the courage to let them ride around the neighborhood which consists of 4 culdesacs. That wasn't easy for me, but it's nice to send them off to school on their bikes and not having to wake up the little one's to take them.
Friday, October 24, 2008
6 Quirky Things
Christy tagged me so here it goes
Here are the rules; Link the person who tagged you, Christy
Tell about 6 quirks of yourself
Tag 6 fellow bloggers to do the same.
Leave a comment to let them know.
1. I hate chocolate chip cookies and chocolate milk.
2. My right breast is bigger then my left.
3. My nick name is curby because I'm always driving over curbs.
4. I stick my tongue out when I smile.
5. I have to shave my big toes.
6. I can't for the life of me figure out how to snap my fingers right. I've been trying for years.
My husband was reading this and was a bit surprised about #5 probably should haveskipped that one. Anyways I tag 1.Rachelle 2. Teresa 3. Marlyn 4. Roxanne 5. AnnMarie 6. Melissa
Christy tagged me so here it goes
Here are the rules; Link the person who tagged you, Christy
Tell about 6 quirks of yourself
Tag 6 fellow bloggers to do the same.
Leave a comment to let them know.
1. I hate chocolate chip cookies and chocolate milk.
2. My right breast is bigger then my left.
3. My nick name is curby because I'm always driving over curbs.
4. I stick my tongue out when I smile.
5. I have to shave my big toes.
6. I can't for the life of me figure out how to snap my fingers right. I've been trying for years.
My husband was reading this and was a bit surprised about #5 probably should haveskipped that one. Anyways I tag 1.Rachelle 2. Teresa 3. Marlyn 4. Roxanne 5. AnnMarie 6. Melissa
Sunday, October 12, 2008
What's new?
Rub a dub dub three kids in a tub! Looking at the bathwateryou can tell it was much needed.

There I go again getting a picture before assistng my son who tried to beat that little girl down the stairs by jumping off. (he won!)
Cortneyhelped me take the little ones to the park for her P.E. class. She's working hard!

Cortney is in independant studies this year and loves being home all the time. For those of you who know Cortney you know I'm being sarcastic. She went out and got a full time job at Canton Bistro so she had money to leave the house every once in a while now that she has a license.

We had my nephew donovan over for a few days last week and the kids all loved it. Especially Morgan. (someone besides Alan to pick on.) I'm pretty sure she is hugging himand not putting him in a choke hold.
I have been crazy busy this past month and have had no time to blog. I'm still crazy busy thanks to finally being FHA approved. It's done wonders for my appraisal business (finally). Any ways the kids are growing up so fast so I thought I would post a few recent pictures. Hopefully I'll have more time this week to give a little more info on how were all doing.
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